Exhibition: ORLAN, This is my body, this is my software
Exhibition: ORLAN, This is my body, this is my software
The French transmedia artist ORLAN is coming to Bulgaria for the first time as part of the festival programme of DA Fest 9 and the Digital November program of the French Institute, and an exhibition with selected projects of hers is presented in the Credo Bonum gallery.
Exhibition: ORLAN, This is my body, this is my software
25 October – 10 November, 2023
Credo Bonum
2, Slavyanska Str.
25 October – 10 November, 2023
Credo Bonum
2, Slavyanska Str.
Opening: 25 October, 6:00 p.m.
ORLAN is not tied to any material, technology or artistic practice. She uses sculpture, photography, performance, video, 3D, video games, augmented reality, artificial intelligence and robotics (she has created a robot in her image that speaks with her voice) as well as scientific and medical techniques such as surgery and biotechnologies to question with a critical distance the social phenomena of our time.
The selected works for the exhibition in Sofia aim to present to the Bulgarian public the wide range of work of the world-renowned artist. The selection includes early works, iconic manifesto video works and examples from her more recent appearances.
“Tête à claques, jeu de massacre” (1977) is one of ORLAN’s pioneering performances and an early example of her interest in the interactivity between work and audience, which pushed her to use new technologies. The interactive installation uses photographs of ORLAN’s face, and the audience is invited to interact with them.
Mask of Beijing Opera, Facing Designs and Augmented Reality Self-Hybridizations, 2014 is a series of digital collages with the masks of the Beijing Opera. ORLAN creates self-hybridizations to respond to the opera’s ban on women performing roles in performances.
The exhibition presents a series of 3 video parts created in 2018, which are a kind of manifestos of the artist on important topics:
Pétition contre la Mort, 2018, video, 2’32” – ORLAN calls for the death of death and advocates signing his petition against death in this video.
No baby no, 2018, video, 2’46” – ORLAN believes that having children in a time when the world is overpopulated is an environmental crime.
J’ai Faim, J’ai Soif, et Ça Pourrait Être Pire, 2018, video, 3’11” – With this formula, ORLAN talks about war, hunger and food that turns into poison.
Pétition contre la Mort, 2018, video, 2’32” – ORLAN calls for the death of death and advocates signing his petition against death in this video.
No baby no, 2018, video, 2’46” – ORLAN believes that having children in a time when the world is overpopulated is an environmental crime.
J’ai Faim, J’ai Soif, et Ça Pourrait Être Pire, 2018, video, 3’11” – With this formula, ORLAN talks about war, hunger and food that turns into poison.
In the 3D video La liberté en écorchée, 2013 (28’32”) ORLAN denounces racism by choosing to present herself as a woman without skin. Her portrait was generated by a machine following her commands.
More information about the exhibition: here
The ORLAN exhibition is part of the festival program of DA Fest [9] and of the Digital November of the French Institute program and is implemented with the support of the National Culture Fund, Sofia Municipality, Embassy of France, French Institute and Esthederm Bulgaria.